Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Together at Last

For some time now Penny and I have prayed that we could do something more meaningful, and do it together. I go to work, she volunteers at Church, I volunteer for something else, all good stuff--but most of the time separate. We tried teaching Sunday School for 4 year olds (great experience-you should try it). That was mostly together, but I did the teaching, and she helped. We enjoyed it, but yearned and prayed for something we both could really get our arms around in a big way.

Now we have it. My diagnosis with esophageal cancer has pulled us together as nothing else could do. I am so clear on how much I need her and her utter and complete dependence on the Lord. She wants to be here for me and strengthen me as never before. We are truly one, we cleave together as one flesh just as the description in Genesis makes clear. God is doing something really big in our lives: both of us are excited to see what will come out of it.

The medical situation is this: the cancer has metastasized and some lymph nodes in my abdomen as well as possibly some of my pelvis bone show signs of the cancer. We will begin chemotherapy with 3 drugs next week to try to affect these nodes as well as the size of the original cancer on my esophagus. Surgery is not likely. The chances of the chemotherapy affecting the cancer is 40-50% so we will do some tests after the first one or two 'cycles' and see if it is working.

Prayer: that our strength in the Lord will continue, that our family will be encouraged through God's presence, and that His grace will be poured out on us, and that healing will take place as well.


Unknown said...

Chuck - You are facing your illness with grace. My prayers are with you and Penny. You are missed here in Denver. - Ann

Kara said...

Chuck, we are praying for you here in Minnesota! Your faith is an inspiration.