Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Chemo's A Pain

Well, it wasn't as bad as it could have been but it wasn't as good as it could have been either. It took about 3 hours of sitting and waiting for the poison (I know they call it medicine, but we all know it is just a very specific poison) to drip through the IV. The one that takes about 3 hours can cause some serious side effects: by the time it was done, my arm and hand where it went in was aching and tingling. It is 6 hours now and much of the pain is gone. I also have a strange reaction to cold: just putting my hand in cold water coming out of the tap makes it feel like I have pins and needles sticking in me. Trying to drink cold water causes the same reaction in my mouth. It is a shock the first time--and you don't do it again. The literature says this will wear off in 5 days or so.

On the other hand: NO NAUSEA! That was really great (at least so far). I can handle pain a lot better than nausea. An answer to prayer maybe?

Thanks to all you people for that!

We love you all,
Chuck and Penny


Anonymous said...

That's just what I've been saying over and over - poison. I hate to think of that inside you. But very thankful that you're taking it so well. We love you.

Donna W said...

Hi Chuck (and family). So glad the poison has not made you sick. I love reading your biblical references and know that His word is buried deep in your heart. What a blessing! I hope you can go out on the porch this evening and feel a wonderful breeze on your face. We read of how God moves in/with the wind. Feel His promise of strong, never ending love. New Creations, my CSPC class is praying for the family. And we miss you at work!!