Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Some Like it Cold

Do you like ice cream? Yeah, me too.

I gladly missed out on having my hair fall out (most of it is already gone anyway), and the nausea has been very tolerable thanks to good drugs; but one thing I did catch was the 'cold sensitivity' side effect. What this means is that cold causes a feeling like pins and needles in parts exposed to cold. Running cold water over your hand makes it feel the way it does when you bang your 'funny bone'. This is not a big deal on your hands--you adapt pretty quickly, but when you take a big swig of iced tea, and that pins and needles feeling is in your throat, you react pretty quickly and violently. And you REALLY don't want to do that again!

Happily, this wears off over time and I am back to eating ice cream and quaffing cold drinks again. WOW, bring on the ice cream.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you can eat cold stuff again. See you in a couple of weeks.

Unknown said...

Hey Chuck, I'm glad to hear you are doing better and hopefully the worst of your treatment(s) is over. I'll continue to lift you up in prayer as I'm sure countless others are. Have a blessed day.

Derek T

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping up this blog, it has been great for me to read it. I will be praying for you.