Thursday, August 21, 2008

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho,

It's back to work we go. I was feeling so well after the last Dr. visit that we made the decision to go back to work. Anyway, I worked Monday and Tuesday, got right back into the fray with a couple of items, and was definitely tired at the end of the day. Who would have thought a month ago that I'd be back to work so soon--an unexpected blessing arranged by God.

Something I had not mentioned as an outcome of the Dr. visit was that I got a port installed so that chemo treatments are easier. The port is a gadget that is surgically implanted just below the collar bone and has a tube that is inserted into a major vein. This morning (Wed) I had the first chemo through the port. It was a lot easier in respect to having an easy stick and no pain in the arm. My head is still kind of woozy, so if this post makes little sense, that is the reason: "blogging under the influence".

There were only a few people getting chemo, but we struck up a conversation with a Christian lady sitting next to me. It turned out to be an encouragement both medically and spiritually. She has been undergoing chemo off and on for four years for colon cancer. Early in her journey, she had been offered a complex surgery at Vanderbilt, but after much prayer and thinking about it, turned it down. After that, her oncologist came up with a different chemotherapy that has worked very well for her. It was clear that she was dependent on what God was telling her and it was the right thing to do. She seems to have done fine without the surgery. A good encouragement to us.

I am back to work today (Thurs) so a good nights sleep helped a lot. The woozy stuff was written yesterday.

We got a pointer to an excellent short article for Christians with cancer:
It is aimed at those in my situation and points to God's sovereignty as the only real thing on which to hang our faith. If you think about it, how could you really trust Him unless He was not only loving, but also totally omnipotent. How could you really trust Him unless you could be assured that He does everything for His glory AND our good, and is so wise that neither of those takes precedence, but that they are always perfectly entwined. God can be completely trusted with the lives of His people.

Thanks for all your prayers. Keep it up, we can feel the results daily.

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